Maple Shop & Sugar bush
Maple Shop
Our Maple Syrup is available year round in a range of sizes and grades.
Specialty items are available in our Gift Shop during syrup season in March & April:
- Various sizes of maple syrup
- Buttermilk pancake mix
- Maple granola
- Maple butter
- Cranberry corn bread
- Maple candies
- Maple beer

The Sugar Bush
Our sugar bush covers 70 acres and contains approximately 5,000 taps. The property was clear-cut for firewood in the 1940s. The regeneration which followed would have included a variety of species such as ash, elm, basswood, hickory, birch, butternut, cherry and, of course, maple. Fortunately, the McEwen family and in particular Bob McEwen decided to develop this mixed bush into a working sugar bush. Through the 1960s and 70’s the bush became a demonstration wood lot, with the assistance of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, to show the value of proper sugar bush management and thinning techniques.
Take a walk on our Sugar Bush Trail and enjoy the pleasures of walking through a young forest and learn something of the plants and animals that have become part of it.